ROI in Italian: 128.61% success rate image

ROI in Italian: 128.61% success rate

The birthplace of pasta and pizza is particularly attractive to arbitrage players. The One Partners team decided to launch an advertising campaign for the RTBet offer aimed at the Android mobile platform, using Facebook as the main platform to attract users.


Offer: RTBet | Android / IOS

Geo: Italy

Platform: Facebook apps

Test period: 30.04-30.05.2024

Costs: $5934

Revenue: $13566

Profit: $7632

ROI: 128.61%

Do you want to launch an Italian offer already? Contact One Partners managers!

Case statistics:

Case statistics Italy

Choice of the GEO:

Italy was chosen as a target market for a reason. This country is known for its high interest in online gaming and betting. It is worth noting that the gambling market in Italy is regulated by legislation, which creates a safe environment for players and increases their trust in online platforms. In addition, Italians have a high level of income, which makes them an attractive audience.

Italy is a country with a high level of engagement in mobile applications and online games. Online casinos in Italy are very popular due to their regulation and high level of security. The Italian Gambling Autonomy Authority (AAMS) regulates all aspects of online gambling, ensuring fair play and protection of players' interests. All online casinos operating in Italy must obtain a licence from the AAMS. This ensures that the casino adheres to strict standards of security and fairness.

Italian players prefer a wide variety of games. Also, Italy pays great attention to the prevention of gambling addiction. Online casinos offer tools for self-exclusion and betting limits. Modern technologies allow you to play in casinos via mobile devices, which is especially convenient for Italian users. In general, online casinos in Italy provide a high level of service and security, making the gaming process exciting and reliable.

You can learn more about Italy from our manager!

Traffic source:

Facebook was the main source of traffic for this advertising campaign. Using this platform allowed us to fine-tune targeting and achieve maximum efficiency by focusing on Android users of version 12+.

Creative selection process:

Based on a detailed analysis of the Italian market and target audience, we developed several creative concepts targeting men aged 25 and over. The concepts included different styles, colour schemes and messages that would best resonate with the target audience.

When creating and optimising the creatives, we strictly adhered to the restrictions set for the campaign, including not specifying the amount of the minimum deposit, not using famous faces, and avoiding violations of Facebook policies.

Example of creative:

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How did we set up the advertising campaigns?

When launching an ad campaign in Italy, the One Partners team decided to use the apps of our WWA partners. The main platform was Facebook for Android 12+. The target audience was men aged 25 and older.

Main parameters of the ad campaign:

Paid target: FTD

Payment: 120 EUR

Minimum deposit: 10 EUR

KPI: Minimum deposit, playing traffic


  • It is forbidden to specify the amount of the minimum deposit in creatives.
  • Multi-accounting, fraud, chargebacks.
  • Cap transfusion.
  • Trace, motive and use of famous people in creatives.
  • Changing the traffic source without consent.
  • Targeting people under the age of 25.
  • Using media personalities, athletes, politicians, singers, bloggers, etc.

In general, using Facebook to target users with Android 12+ ensured a more accurate hit on the target audience. Targeting men aged 25 and older allowed us to focus on a solvent audience with a penchant for gambling.

When developing creatives, we strictly adhered to the rule of not specifying the minimum deposit amount and not using famous people. This allowed us to avoid violations and maintain a high reputation. Careful traffic monitoring for multi-accounts, fraud and chargebacks ensured the high quality of the audience engaged. Therefore, constant monitoring of advertising campaigns and prompt adjustments helped to achieve high performance indicators.


The launch of the advertising campaign in Italy brought excellent results in the form of ROI of 128.61%. This confirms the success of the chosen approach and strategies used by the One Partners team to launch advertising campaigns in the Italian market.

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